The Code of Ethics for the Faculty Resource Center is based upon the professional ethics from the nation's premier professional organization for educational development, the Professional and Organizational Development Network.

St. Bonaventure University

The Code of Ethics for the Faculty Resource Center is based upon the professional ethics from the nation's premier professional organization for educational development, the Professional and Organizational Development Network.

Predominant among the ethical guidelines are protocols related to clients' (faculty members') rights and confidentiality. Faculty member will always be free to choose what Center workshops and other events to attend. Administrators can suggest, but not mandate, that a faculty member attend an event or partake of a service. The Faculty Resource Center strives to offer interesting workshops and events that faculty members will want to attend. In addition, faculty members are encouraged to suggest workshops and events that they would like to see the Center offer.

In addition, confidentiality is a major tenet of the ethical guidelines followed by the Center. This means that no one will report on what workshops or other events a faculty member attends through the Center. For most workshops and events, faculty members will receive a letter/certificate that indicates what they attended and when. No reports will be issued to department chairs, deans, or any other interested party. It will be up to the faculty member to share the letter of participation/certificate with any other party they wish, including making the letter/certificate a part of an annual evaluation package.
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